Podcast Production Services

Podcast Production Services
Photo by Matt Botsford / Unsplash

Stereoactive Media offers production services priced for independent producers and projects. These services are reserved for those with limited budgets and/or those who may have a great idea for a podcast, but who don't (yet) have experience making one. We're here to help!

Remote Recording Starter Packs

Just need to record something simple and receive a finished audio file? Check out these options...

  • Recording: With the aid of an experienced producer, capture audio with up to 3 participants using our remote recording studio.
  • Soundboard: We can load intro and outro music, along with up to 3 additional audio clips or cues, to be played "live" during your recording session.*
  • Audio Enhancement: Broad spectrum solutions will be applied to your captured audio to enhance its quality.
  • Deliverable: You will receive a finished mp3 master ready to upload to your podcast service of choice.


  • $75 - up to 1 hour of audio recording and up to 3 simple edits.
  • $125 - up to 2 hours of audio recording and up to 7 simple edits.
  • $200 - up to 3 hours of audio recording and up to 12 simple edits.

Bespoke Podcast Editing & Mixing

Consider the following, then email for a consultation and quote...

The amount of editing a project needs depends on several factors – and by amount, we mean both quantity and thoroughness. So please read through these, then let's chat about the options that might work for your budget.

  1. Length - The longer a podcast episode is, the more editing it will need to maintain an even quality and flow throughout.
  2. Filler Words - Is your show a loose "hang out" show where the conversation flows freely and the participants riff on ideas? Or is it a more – for lack of a better word – "refined" show that aims to be more incisive and definitive in its approach? If the former, it may work well to leave so-called "filler words" in (uh, um, like, you know, etc.). If the latter, you may want to cut as many of those as possible. Or maybe it's somewhere in-between.
  3. Crosstalk - If your show features conversations between two or more people, they may sometimes interrupt or talk over each other. Just as with filler words, the degree to which this may or may not be fine depends on what kind of show you're making.
  4. Repair - If you're an independent producer, your budget may not always allow for the best possible recording equipment or environment. If you record with us, we'll always make best efforts to guide you toward the best possible recording situation given whatever resources you may have available so as to capture the best audio possible. But we can always make efforts after recording to repair and ultimately enhance the audio quality. The amount of effort needed will depend on how the audio was recorded.
  5. Sound Design - If you're making a straightforward chat show, you may not need much sound design, if any. But if you're going for something with a richer sound (sound effects, immersive soundscapes, etc.), that takes more effort – and can be totally worth it!*
  6. The Miscellaneous - Every project is different in approach and complexity, so it's good to remember that unexpected things come up and these unexpected things can either make things easier or more difficult.
  7. Revisions - Some people have total faith in their producers and editors and are very hands off during the post-production phase of a project. Others have a more clear vision of what they want a project to sound like and this can sometimes means more revisions as we hone in on that. Revisions, of course, take additional time and effort.

Get In Touch

Want to find out more or ask questions about the services described above? Contact stereoactivemedia@gmail.com

Reach Out Now!

*all music and sound effects must be either public domain or self-produced to avoid copyright issues; let us know if you need help sourcing these. Clips from other media may potentially be used as discussion prompts, etc., so long as fair use practices are followed.